Want to join the group? Read here!

"COLLAGE PLAY with CROWABOUT" group information and signup!!

This is a fun group designed to collage play together as a group! To spark your imagination and give your muse a boost in the behind and get you inspired to create!!!

Each week on Saturday mornings, I (Crowabout) will post a printable Crowabout Collage Elements for you to create with on Flickr!

I will give you till Friday to finish your art piece, collage, journal page etc and get them uploaded to Flickr by 9PM EST!
I will then put your names into a hat so to speak and randomly select a winner using Random.org and post the winner on Flickr Saturday at Noon EST! Each weeks winner will be prompted for their email addy so that I may send them a goodie prize!!

So, if any of you are interested in joining this group please either email me or leave a comment! I will need YOUR email addy!!! You will then receive an invite via email to join the group on Flickr!

This blog will be a place to showcase each weeks winner and give them some linky love so that all can visit their blog or Flickr!!

Be sure to tell your friends!!

If you have any questions.... please feel free to email me mrmrsfritz (at) hughes (dot) net Thank you!


NancyB aka Crowabout

Friday, August 29, 2008

New blog for Collage Play with Crowabout group!!!

After much consideration on how to set up a place to blog about my group and group members art of Collage Play with Crowabout...I have finally settled here on Blogger!

This will also be a place where I will showcase each weeks winner from the group! Also, it will be a place to show all the group members links to their websites!!

Would anyone be interested in creating a blog banner for this group?? And also, we need a button with link attached to this group blog!! Any takers!!?? Pwweeeaaasee help!! ;O)

Now I got to get busy and catch up and post the first 3 weeks winners!!

Hope this blog really works for us and it's intention!! It will probably take me a bit to remember how Blogger works! Wish me luck! lol


NancyB aka Crowabout


Suzanne said...

Hi Nancy! I could take a stab at creating a banner and button. It may take me a couple of weeks though as I'm just now moving into my house. E-mail me if'n you wants!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant idea, Nance. Off to link up and I'll be back to catch up :)
You are a star, thanks for all your hard work with the group. You gathered together a great bunch of folk & it'll be great to have this blog to come to aswell.
Big Love, Suze xXx